
Cautery (4) by SCHECH

Kautergriff n. SCHECH

Philipp SCHECH (1845-1905) was a professor at the University of Munich and significantly involved in the development of the local ENT department.

Schech used a slender flat or pointed burner for the galvanic ceramics of benign tumors, which he placed coldly on the nodule, and only briefly made the burner glow. This was usually followed by a severe environmental reaction with redness and swelling that often led to hoarseness, sometimes lasting several weeks. Schech used the galvanocoaustics mainly in the throat and nose, less frequently in the larynx. It was used to treat circumscribed hyperplasia, connective tissue proliferation, pachydermia, granulation, neoplasm, tuberculous ulcer and polyp residues.

SCHECH itself had developed a universal handle for galvano-acoustics, which was made by various mechanics in Tübingen, Munich and Erlangen and could be purchased. The technically complicated handle was designed to accommodate not only the fixed, but also the adjustable loop-shaped approaches.
Origin: flea market at the "port" / Innsbruck 8/2018.



 He wrote

- Die   Galvanokaustik   in   der   Laryngochirurgie.   Ärztl. Intelligenz-blatt 24 (1877) 443-444

- Die Krankheiten des Kehlkopfes und der Luftröhre mit Einschluss der Laryngoskopie und local-therapeutischen Technik für praktische Aerzte, 1897.