
Cautery (3a) by PAQUELIN



Formerly, firing or annealing iron heated in the flame was used, followed by PAQUELIN's (1836-1905) heather, in which a different shaped hollow body of platinum heated to annealing and then by blowing a mixture of air and petrol vapor, the the glowing platinum surface burned, was obtained glowing.

Claude-André PAQUELIN * 30.12.1836 in Vaucluse - Avignon. He first studied pharmaceutics, then switched to human medicine. The fact that he applied for a patent on his burner was chalked to him by many colleagues (Scientific American, v. 45 (ns) no 9, p 137-8, 27 August 1881). He died in 1905.

He wrote:
C.A. Paquelin and Léopold Jolly, Etudes de biologie: théories nouvelles, Paris, chez A. Delahaye, 1875, 166 p. 16 cm.
Steets in Paris and Avignon bear his name.

"Le thermocautère fut créé en 1875 par le docteur Paquelin et perfectionné en 1891. It is known as" the plateau de s'échauffer en condensates certain gaz ou vapeurs, en particulier les carbures volatils de l'essence minérale. " (Larousse universel and deux volumes, 1922).

"Handier and more versatile are the galvanokaustischen Brennapparate usable" (Meyers Konversationslexikon 1909).

"La méme instrument, sous d'autres noms" (pyrophoric, pyrography, etc.) A par la suite été utilisé dans l'industrie, notamment dans l'industrie de la métallurgie, La poétesse de renom, Madame Fawzi Malhasti lui a consacré plusieurs sonnets. "


The use of the device was rather cumbersome. The board had to be preheated over the open flame for one minute before the gasoline vapors could blow through the hose. Nevertheless, the "Paquelin" was widely distributed (introduced in Cuba in 1876) and remained worldwide until after WW2. on the market. It was the standard scabbard - scabbing "wild meat", burning bites to reduce the risk of rabies. It coagulated at low temperature and cut at high temperature. Heinrich MARTIUS (gynecological operation theory, 1960) also scabbed wound surfaces with the "Paquelin" (p. 200) and severed the intestinal loops with this device (p. 407). Apparently, the word "Paquelin" had become the epitome of the Kauther, and was still used there, as one had long used electrical Kauter.

There was electrocoagulation since 1930: "At the clinic of the famous Viennese surgeon and university professor of Hohenegg, a man with severe jaundice underwent abdominal surgery, notably the knife for the first time instead of the knife, the electric point burner of an ordinary diathermy apparatus This method relies on the property of electric sparking that it destroys the tissues of the body.When the patient's body is placed on a lead pad connected to one pole of the electrical circuit, one leads the pointed burner, the one on the other pole is connected to the body site to be operated on, so the skip sparks the tissue and cut can be performed exactly as with a surgical knife.However, such an operation has not only the advantage that it runs almost bloodless, but the wounds cure according to agreeing Care also significantly easier and faster. In addition, purulent wound infections are completely excluded "(Luxemburger Wort, January 9, 1930).

Presented is a burner with "boîte gainerie", which comes from Barentin in Haute-Normandie, (northwest of Rouen) in France. A similar device, this time with blast balloon, comes from the Midi-Pyrénées region.