
Scissors for bandage (1) by LISTER

Verbandsschere n. LISTON


John Lister (1827-1912) worked as a professor in Glasgow and London. He gained special importance through his investigations on wound healing. While it had previously come to life-threatening infections even with small interventions, now the antisepsis was established. This was closely linked to the development of microbiology, for example through the investigations of Louis Pasteur. Lister is considered together with Ignaz Semmelweis as the founder of hospital hygiene. The spraying of phenol over the field of operation to kill bacteria has also been termed "listern".


The "father of antiseptic surgery" was also inventor. He set an important milestone in wound treatment in 1874 with the invention of the first germ-free dressing. He already knew from reports that the phenol known as carbolic acid could kill germs. Lister came up with the idea to use Phenol also in disinfection operations, he had the liquid over the surgical field fogged and the Chirirugen and sisters washed their hands with it. A little later, he also started to provide wounds with phenolic-impregnated dressings. This Listersche association killed germs and thus made a quick and uncomplicated healing possible. Matching with this association, he invented the named after him scissors.


The Lister'schere consists of surgical matt stainless steel and is stainless. As a result, it is not only particularly robust and durable, but can also be sterilized and disinfected. The sharp blade is angled at this bandage scissors and allows the severing of bandages without much effort. In addition, the bandage scissors (Lister scissors) has a knee bend, i. the blade is angled upwards and flattened at the bottom of the tip. Thus, the Lister'schere can be pushed without risk of injury to the patient easily under the dressing and provides a simple way of painless treatment.




16 cm long bandage scissors by LISTER from the pool of a general practitioner in Hall (Flea Market Hafen / Innsbruck 9/2018).


About the manufacturer: In 1998, Bergische Stahlwarenfabrik (BS) celebrated its 75th anniversary as a world-renowned manufacturer of Solingen quality steel products. BS-Stahlwarenfabrik Spiecker & Söhne e.K.