
Cautery (5) electric



This is what the handset looked like before there were EU directives ...

Upper picture: on the right the power supply, on the left the two poles for the glow wire.

Bottom row: on, off: Arrest for continuous operation by pushing the button forward.
Chromed part, stamped: A. GAIFFE à Paris.

Ladislas GAÏFFE (* 16.1.1832 in Nancy, died in Paris on 9.4.1887) called himself Adolphe G., after the then well-known businessman, philosopher and writer Adolphe GAÏFFE (1830-1903) - and signed his (from 1856) in The "Entreprises de Construction Electriques Adolphe Gaiffe" creations made in Paris according to "A.Gaiffe". Under the direction of the son, the business continued to run until the early 20th century under the name "A.Gaiffe"!
For the biography of both Gaiffe see the link:

Company Catalogs
Gaiffe L.A., Notices sur les appareils électro-médicaux, Catalog de 1874.
Gaiffe L.A., Matériel électro-thérapeutique, Catalog. Chez Charraire and fils à Sceaux. 1885th

A noteworthy collection of electro-therapy equipment, i.a. from the workshops Gaiffe, see: